Tuesday, November 26, 2024

My internet solution which also gives me a phone backup

When you travel it doesn't take long to realize how vital your phone becomes in all you do. 
I use it for connection with friends and family of course - and if I lost it I have no way to connect with them or even remember their phone numbers.  

My internet solution will be to use another phone (iPhone for me due to all my other hardware being Apple) which I will use as a hotspot for all devices while also providing a backup to my communications via WhatsApp and also all my travel apps … including my cab and train cards. 
The key to this is getting a sim free phone

A sim free phone lets me buy cheap sims in whatever country I’m in for time I’m there and then set that phone up as a hotspot (router) to allow all my devices to share the sim for internet access. 
I went with a iPhone here in Japan because it makes it very simple to share files and apps with my other Apple devices but there are a great many options to choose from on Amazon which is where I got mine and I got my sim from the too. 

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